Tuesday, July 5, 2011

No Justice For Caylee Anthony

It's a sad day today for the American justice system, Casey Anthony murderer of her two year old daughter Caylee Anthony walked free with a verdict of not guilty. All because the jury wanted to go home, they let a baby killer walk free. Way to go jury you let a murderer go free because you wanted to go home. I hope you can live with that on your mind for the rest of your life; you let a baby killer walk away. So what are they going to wait for this lady to get knocked up again  so she can get sick of he/she and kill it too?! Are they going to let her walk away from that one too?! I no longer have any faith in the American justice system and i am ashamed to be a part of a country who let's a baby killer walk free all because they value their social lives more then a dead baby? What is wrong with this country; we let baby killers walk free so we can watch sports?! Please tell me this is a twisted joke; and they are throwing that horrible woman in jail for life?!