Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hate Rant On Westboro Baptist Cult.


First things first, this isn't a church it is a cult. They are the most inconsiderate pack of rats I have ever laid eyes on; how dare they show up at our brave soldier's funerals to spread their hate. Our soldiers are dieing for their right to be morons! They think they're the best thing since sliced bread because they won their Supreme Court case, but they're still the same assholes they've always been. I for one am disappointed in our Supreme Court, I know our first amendment protects free speech but some things just shouldn't be allowed.

As a Bisexual girl and a Soldier's daughter these people hit more then one anger button with me. Not only do these people protest at solider funerals, they also protest at the funerals of victims of homophobic driven crimes. Their message that 9/11 and other tragedies are God's punishment for our country's tolerance of homosexuality is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. I am proud to be part of this great country and I'm proud of being bisexual. These people do not deserve to live in this country; they don't deserve the freedoms that our soldiers die for. Why should they get these freedoms, when all they do is cause distress to those of us who love this nation and mourn the loss of our fallen soldiers. Why should they be able to spread their message of hate, when all we want is to stand united?

If you don't want to support our nation fine whatever Westboro Baptist Cult, but how dare you use our brave soldier's deaths as a way to spread your hate. How dare you say 9/11 is God's way of punishing this great nation for tolerating Homosexuality. You are the purest evil, may the wrath of God fall upon you and cast you into the fiery pits of hell where you belong. When your cult leaders die, I hope they suffer the long, slow painful death they deserve, when your leaders die may they feel every ounce of distress they have caused our great nation 100 fold.

The only thing I have left to say is this; God Bless America

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