Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Reveiw For Final Fantasy VII

Ok let me start this review off by telling you right now; you need a lot of time and patience to play this game, It's 3 disks long. Other then that it's also a turn based game, meaning you have to wait for your attack meter to fill up before  you can do anything. That's where the patience part comes into play, not to mention for first time players some of the dungeons can trip you up for hours. The maze in the Temple Of The Ancients even confuses a veteran of this game like me; I've played this game a million and one times and that part still always gets me. Ok on to the describing the plot part.

Final Fantasy VII starts you off in the fictional city of Midgar, on planet Gaia. The main character Cloud Strife, is a Mercenary whom has joined forces with a rebel group called Avalanche. This group is headed by a character named Barret Wallace, a rough guy who has a soft spot for the planet and his daughter Marlene. The game drops you in on Clouds very first mission as a member of Avalanche, to blow up Mako Reactor # 1. Now for those of you who don't know, Mako is the energy source marketed by the evil Shinra Corporation; it essentially is sucking the life out of the planet. Which is why Avalanche is so determined to stop them, they're really extreme enviormentalists to be blunt. Anyways, so the game drops you in on Cloud's very first Avalanche operation, to save on words, it succeeds and the Reactor blows up no problemo. Afterwards you go back to the hideout and meet up with your childhood friend Tifa Lockhart, I won't say anymore about her here, you'll have to play the game to find out more. After meeting Tifa you learn your next mission is to blow up Mako Reactor # 5 for some reason, why they didn't go in order I have no idea. Anyways during the mission at #5 Cloud has a strange flashback, and shortly afterwards he gets separated from the group. After crash landing through the roof of a church, Cloud meets a girl named Aerith (Her name is mistranslated to Aeris in the game, but you can fix that) she is the last survivor of a race called the Ancients, a group with the power to converse with and heal the planet. This is where the story truly begins.

Shortly after meeting Aerith an old enemy by the name of Sephiroth appears, and changes Avalanches mission. What was once a rebel group against an energy giant, becomes the team that will save the entire planet from utter destruction. Filled with interesting storyline, hilariously dysfunctional characters, and a plot twist that will blow your mind. (I cried) This game is definitely worth the play. It's a worthy addition to anybodies game collection. I honestly enjoy this game more, each and every time I play it; I hope this review has encouraged you to give it a shot. Until next time!

Love From,
FullMetal Phantom

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